MajorMajor's Game Suggestions

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MajorMajor's Game Suggestions

Postby MajorMajor on Tue Mar 08, 2022 1:04 pm

Here is a list of my suggestions for mostly older games to play. Note: PC ONLY don't ask me about xbox or playstation. They are in no particular order.

1. Fallout 4 - If you haven't played it then... seriously, why haven't you played it?
2. Horizon Zero Dawn - killing giant machines with arrows and stuff is good. Also, the sequel's out so is a good time to start playing.
3. Skyrim - who hasn't played this? Get Inigo when you download the mods.
4. The Outer Worlds - like Fallout 4 in style but set in space. Smaller in scope than Fallout 4 too but still worth it.
5. For those who enjoy good story I suggest the Life is Strange series of games: Life is Strange, Life is Strange 2, Life is Strange Before the Storm, Life is Strange True Colors.
6. The Council - decent mystery/story if you don't spoil it with a walkthrough it is replayable.
7. Humankind - very much like the Civilization series but better in a number of ways. If you must have a Civ series game though then I suggest Civ 4 (giant death stacks) or Civ 5 ( no giant death stacks). Civ 6 sucks and is in so many ways just a repackaging of Civ 5.
8. For real oldies try Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines I still find it fun even if its ancient and Paradox should eventually release the sequel(keyword eventually).
9. Stellaris - its a fun space grand strategy game even if it has significant balance issues.
10. Also, from Paradox I suggest Europa Universalis 4, Crusader Kings 2(there is a 3 if you want the newest but less content there atm), and Cities Skylines for those who need a city sim fix.
11. No Man's Sky - good for people who like space and building things like Minecraft. It has improved a lot from initial release.
12. Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous and Pathfinder Kingmaker for those who like classic fantasy world RPGs.
13. Also, Tyranny is a great RPG for people wanting to play as the bad guys. I really think it is underrated.

I'm sure I have more suggestions but this is a good list.
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