Oh my what have we here?

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Oh my what have we here?

Postby Sqrl2k on Sun Jun 28, 2020 3:12 pm

Hey all long time no see how's everyone doing? How many servers do we have? Is Guard still alive? {anyone still alive for that matter?} i have soooo many questions. How's my most favorite siege clan in all of JKA doing?!?!



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Re: Oh my what have we here?

Postby GUARD!AN on Tue Jul 07, 2020 3:00 am

Sqrl!!! Welcome back dude!

We are still around. Still have a server too. Do you yews discord? Come chat with us there: https://discord.gg/RUW8u5b

1. guarding; protecting: a guardian deity.
2. a violent, tropical, cyclonic storm of the western North Atlantic, having wind
speeds of or in excess of 72 mph (32 m/sec).
3. (in Gnosticism) one of a class of powers or beings conceived as emanating
from the Supreme Being and performing various functions in the operations of
the universe.
4. a terrifying dream in which the dreamer experiences feelings of helplessness,
extreme anxiety, sorrow, etc.
5. The sensation and muscular spasm caused by an electric current passing
through the body or a body part.
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