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Re: Star Wars: Squadrons

Did anyone end up playing this game? Is it as good as it looks?
by Sakke
on Wed Aug 11, 2021 12:22 pm
Forum: General Chat
Topic: Star Wars: Squadrons
Replies: 6
Views: 29822

Re: 2 More Cents

Magyk wrote:HRC

I read Heroic. Whoops.

How about a system with an electoral college, but where it's not all or none? So that 10 delegates could be split 4/6 when one candidate gets only a small majority.
by Sakke
on Sun Nov 27, 2016 10:07 am
Forum: General Chat
Topic: 2 More Cents
Replies: 23
Views: 23920

Re: VR Siege

Wow, sounds interesting. If only I had an Oculus Rift. I know at least one research group is or was working on controlling either JK2 or JKA (don't remember which one) using a Brain-Computer Interface (BCI). I'd volunteer for that trial.
by Sakke
on Sun Nov 27, 2016 9:06 am
Forum: News and Important Info
Topic: VR Siege
Replies: 2
Views: 4822


I'm taking an intensive course on Brain-Computer Interfaces as part of my BME studies. The attached image is taken form the presentation on applications.

Funny to run into JKA in the class room.

Aaaaaaand now I want to build such a system...
by Sakke
on Sun Jan 24, 2016 6:39 am
Forum: Jester Alley
Topic: BCI for JKA
Replies: 1
Views: 4414

Re: 14 people ingame and pug starting

Too many people for siege? This is the best piece of news in a long time even if it's in the form of a problem.
by Sakke
on Sun Oct 11, 2015 4:11 pm
Forum: General Chat
Topic: 14 people ingame and pug starting
Replies: 36
Views: 27860

Re: Mods

This may be the second version of SintraScope.
I have a bunch of old mods lying around I see..
by Sakke
on Sun Oct 11, 2015 3:56 pm
Forum: Elysium
Topic: Client Mods
Replies: 4
Views: 5384

Re: Kera/j3rk-mode

I have Kera on steam. If I see him I'll ask him to check in on this topic.
by Sakke
on Mon May 25, 2015 2:04 pm
Forum: News and Important Info
Topic: Kera/j3rk-mode
Replies: 9
Views: 7018

Re: PUGs From Last Night

Yeah, I managed to forget this again..
by Sakke
on Mon May 25, 2015 2:03 pm
Forum: General Chat
Topic: PUGs From Last Night
Replies: 49
Views: 38184

Re: Kera/j3rk-mode

I have no linux experience, sadly.
I'd ask Kera directly if I were you.
by Sakke
on Wed May 20, 2015 3:22 pm
Forum: News and Important Info
Topic: Kera/j3rk-mode
Replies: 9
Views: 7018

Re: Siege pug(s) the weekend of the 23rd?

Good idea. I'll try to log on.
by Sakke
on Wed May 20, 2015 3:12 pm
Forum: News and Important Info
Topic: Siege pug(s) the weekend of the 23rd?
Replies: 7
Views: 5492

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